
IBNS Journal 63-1

includes articles on Script of Jammu, Kashmir and Tibet, Time and Timekeeping on Banknotes, E. Chiossone: The Father of the Japanese Banknotes, Spanish Colonial Issues in Cuba and Post Office Exchange Tokens of the Amur Region.

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Howard Daniel III (2017)

is a most notable numismatic researcher and ambassador, specializing in the the currencies of Southeast Asia.  Always willing to share his time and knowledge with anyone he has for many years focused on attracting young members into the hobby. 

Howard Daniel has been an IBNS member since 1971. He served on the board as a director from 1996-2000, as 1st vice president 2000-2002, again as a director 2010-2012 and as chair of the IBNS committee for youth members (YNs) from 2010-2014.

He also engaged novice adult collectors and informed them of the myriad specialties within numismatics that might fit their own particular circumstances, be it career, ethnic background, or special interest.An accomplished researcher and writer. He has been a specialist in Southeast Asian numismatics since the mid 1960s. Since 1975 he has published six volumes (two of them now in second editions) of his comprehensive treatment of coins and notes of Southeast Asia. Thus far they cover what was originally French Indochina; eventually they will also cover Thailand, Burma, and possibly Indonesia.